Smooth Finish | Tempo

Smooth Finish | Tempo

HANGING INSTALLATION ART SMOOTH FINISH cast resin installation art suspended in the hotel lobby of The Tempo Hotel in Louisville Smooth Finish is a suspended cast resin installation art piece  located at the Tempo Hotel in the NuLu neighborhood of Louisville, KY....
Reeference | Lantana Public Library

Reeference | Lantana Public Library

HANGING INSTALLATION ART REEFERENCE A marine life installation artwork hanging over the children’s reading area at Lantana Public Library REEFERENCE is a hanging marine life installation art piece located at the Lantana Public Library in Lantana, Florida.  ...
Marriott | The Layover

Marriott | The Layover

HANGING INSTALLATION ART THE LAYOVER Hanging at the Marriott hotel inDania Pointe, Florida The Layover is a hanging installation art piece located at the Marriott hotel in Dania Pointe. There are 348 individually hung planes made from thermally folded acrylic.  ...
Oceanic | Shoal by the Shore

Oceanic | Shoal by the Shore

HANGING INSTALLATION ART OCEANIC FISH Hanging at Oceanic restaurant at the Pompano Beach pier in Pompano Beach, FL Shoal By The Shore is a hanging fish art installation located at Oceanic restaurant at the Pompano Beach Pier in Pompano Beach, FL.   This ocean...
Anthropologie | Suspended Rocks

Anthropologie | Suspended Rocks

HANGING INSTALLATION ART SUSPENDED ROCKS Suspended Rocks is an Earth Day window display installation art piece that was on view at Anthropologie in Boca Raton, Florida. This organically inspired window display contained hundreds of boulders which weighed over 1200 lbs...