DUOFAB Installation Art Logo

Installation Art by artist Ashley Nardone.

At DUOFAB, we’re in the business of making commissioned art pieces that stand out. We design, fabricate and install bespoke artwork for interior spaces. The artist behind the work we create is Ashley Nardone, a diversely talented artist who dreams up and builds the unique work we provide.

Light Reading by Ashley Nardone
Coin Art Saint Louis by Ashley Nardone


DUOFAB art installations are made for both commercial and private clients who are seeking statement artwork for their environment. Our pieces help our clients convey a visual story that connects to people as soon as they enter the room. The installation artwork is custom tailored to showcase thematic inspirations, branding identity, and the specific needs of our clients. Craftsmanship, with care for the details, is at the center of our design philosophy.

“Installation art is our passion and we love to create unique artwork that sparks the imagination.”


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String Partition Art by Ashley Nardone